Monday, August 03, 2015


Singapore flag


Singapore is 50 years old

holding hands with didi

playing waiting the lift to gong gong house

Corey jie jie changing shoes


we are at MacRitche Trails

we start walking at about 3.45 pm.

there is small river

Corey jie jie is holding my hands.

the water is cool..

along the way

1.4 Km..

opening hours for the Tree Top

Map to refer

1.2 Km to go

Toilet break
waiting for Corey jie jie
a steep road
playing monkeys
cannot go to near
another 200 m
we reach the gate at 4.30 pm
One way only
I am scared of the height

I am walking very slowly.

slow and steady

at last, we reach at the other end

look behind

finding the plants


take a beeak

apple to share


more please

my shoes sole drop off

didi is supporting me, Corey jie jie is put a rubber band on it

we start our walking again

cross this small stream

so hot

this time is stones my shoes

need to take my shoes

inside my socks too

way out ...

this way to the road.

we are all tired.

having plums

a long road to the exit

Dinner time

I make it ..


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